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Five Reasons of Why People Buy Books?

Five Reasons of Why People Buy Books?

Thousands of books are published and purchased every month worldwide, but the ones that succeed are the ones with writers who understand their audience and understand what forces a reader to purchase. In this article, we try to understand that which five reasons compel people to buy books and how they make purchasing decisions. Understanding what motivates readers educates your book marketing methodologies by tending to both a reader’s emotional and logical forces in order to form a connection, leave an impression, and, at last, increase the sale.

person buy book

5 Reasons of Why People Buy Books?

1. The Book Fulfils a Need

We go to mall, to buy groceries, to feed ourselves, garments to wear, and furniture to sit on. Why we decide to purchase what we buy in each of these categories is generally personal preference, but the fact remains that we buy things to fulfil a need.

Similarly books are the same. Individuals purchase books to address an issue they have in their life. That need is usually for amusement (fiction and biography/memoir books) or to learn something (nonfiction books). It might be that an individual wants to lose weight, improve a relationship, or learn a new skill. Books provide both entertainment and education.

At the point when you genuinely consider how often individuals think about your book explicitly versus how regularly individuals think about personal difficulties they're facing, you will most likely agree that people think how they can tackle their own issues, learn something, work on themselves or be engaged than they do about your book.

However, if you can show them how reading your book helps them achieve these things, you are probably going to expand your book deals and income. Your promotional endeavors should feature the need your book addresses. Point the need out to your potential reader and guarantee them that your book provides a solution to that need. What does your book offer readers? A calm life? Knowledge to be an ideal parent? A great sentimental story? Ensure your readers that how your book fills a specific need in their lives.

2. The Book can be a Gift for Someone

Giving gifts is a common practice. We give gifts at all important achievements and celebrations, and books make great presents. Truth be told, individuals buy books, lots of them, to give as gifts. 

Consider what sort of gift your book is most appropriate for. A kid’s birthday? A house-warming/graduation/Father’s Day/Grandparent’s Day/Christmas/teachers day?

Personally, I love the idea of books as gifts. First, they’ll always stay with me, unlike flowers or bouquets, which perishes with time. Secondly, each time I open the book, I'll be helped to remember the person who gifted it to me.

Books make extraordinary gifts and one book marketing methodology is to urge readers to buy your book for that reason. Remind your readers why books are the perfect gifts, including the fact that they never go unfashionable and leave a enduring impression.

3. The Reader Buys on Impulse

Impulse buying is a spur-of-the-moment, unplanned choice to purchase. Research suggests that sentiments play a vital role in setting off an impulse purchase.

A customer sees the book and decides to purchase it. What attracts them? Doubtlessly, it’s the book’s cover. The cover is one of your book’s top marketing tools. Ensure your book has a cover that attracts individual’s consideration and makes them want to own it, and that it includes solid back cover copy and a decent title. That way, regardless of whether they are surfing online or in a physical store, your book grabs their eye, pulls at their sentiments, and creates the urge to buy now.

4. The Reader Knows the Writer

We know individuals on a wide range of levels. Some people we know personally, others we know from following them on social media, still others are influencers or renowned personalities with whom we are familiar. The same goes for writers. The number one reason that readers purchase books is because they know the writer. This doesn't generally imply that the reader is a personal friend of the writer. The reader may know the author because they have:

Heard the writer talk

Read other books by the writer

Heard the writer interviewed on a public broadcast or podcast

Read an interview or article by the author on a blog or other publication

Listen to, watched, or followed the author because the author is an influencer

If knowing the author is a top reason why people buy books, don’t be shy. Help people get to know you. Take advantage of radio and television interviews, blog and podcast interviews, and social media. Show people that you are amiable and that they can trust you. At the point when individuals feel a positive connection to you, book deals follow.

5. The Reader Reads a Free Excerpt

With regards to buying something, people fear what they might lose more than what they will gain. In buying a book, people fear they will lose money if they don’t like the book. Allowing readers to read a portion of a book helps them see what they will acquire and persuades them that the book is worth their investment. Individuals often choose to purchase a book once they realize they'll like what's inside, either from reading simply a part (or the first edition of book in a series) free of charge. This might appear to be irrational since most writers have the objective of achieving book sales, not giving their book (or portions of it) away for free, but this is one of the fastest approaches to introduce and build a new audience for your book, because it brings down a reader’s financial risk.

Allowing readers to experience your story without the fear of losing something is amazing. Allow readers an opportunity to read part of your book (or the first edition in a series) for free. Doing so can help drive sales. You can give readers access to one or more sections of your book on your writer website. Knowing what drives readers’ book buying choices helps you making progress to market your book more effectively and catch your audience.


These five reasons help a writer to understand the reader psyche, everybody wants to buy but, its necessary to identify the audience, their needs, what people wants to read, how can your book add value in their lives? Then put your writings for them. The selection of words, right genre, and a good marketing techniques are so important.

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You must know about the Most Popular Genres to Write. Read it===>

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