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10 Elements to Know Before Writing Your Best-Selling-Quality Fiction Novel

10 Elements to Know Before Writing Your Best-Selling-Quality Fiction Novel

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Every newbie writer who writes for fiction to sell their work (either self-published or traditionally published) thinks his/her novel will bring more sales and people will like their writings and may be possible, they will get a title of  Best Selling Author soon because their writings are great their stories are amazingly marvelous.

But reality is, a few, very few achieve that best selling title. Keep in mind always, it's a journey, and writer involves and builds his/her space in people's heart and mind by travelling and meetings for their upcoming fiction novel. 

Here are discussion on, which ten elements are important while writing best selling quality fiction novel.

An Strong Plotting

Developing a solid plot is the principal element of a good novel. Be sure it's conceivable and proper to the genre. Two supportive books for novelists are Lawrence Block's Telling Lies for Fun and Profit and Stephen King's On Writing, the two of which give a decent outline of fiction strategies. 

A Good Characterization

Great characterization is the capability to make characters readers care about — ones who seem genuine, with qualities we can identify and relate to. But, how can one achieve something like this on paper? A vehicle we've found helpful is the character sketch. In this sketch you detail each possible thing about each character. Not just such clear focuses as sex, age, and physical description but the less tangible perspectives, also: quirks, education, philosophies, family foundation, religious history, political leanings, interests, and annoyances. These are the things memorable characters are made of. When you know your characters well, it's a lot simpler to make them come alive for the reader. 

A Clear Theme/Premise

Is your message clear? Could you be able to sum up it in one simple sentence? (If not, the reader will definitely be confused.) Focus on a solitary clear cut topic. 

A Dialogue

Conversation adds depth to your characters and pushes the story ahead swiftly. But, is it reasonable? Do people truly talk that way? All things considered, we use contractions in discussion, speak in fragmented sentences, and use slang. To check whether your dialogue plays well, read it aloud.

An Smooth Pacing

Does the material move without a hitch, or does it get stalled like a van stuck in mud? Remember to substitute points of high and low action so the reader isn't kept at a steady peak. 

An Appropriate Mood/Tone

Is the mood proper to your theme? Is it accurate to say that you are reliable all through? Beginning a murder mystery with a humorous tale, for example, would be deceiving. 

A Right Use of Tense/Point of view

Is it accurate to say that they are something similar all through? If your book is in the present tense, don't incidentally wander into the past. Moreover, if your story begins off of Cathleen's mind, to suddenly tell how John feels is to switch perspectives. While numerous famous contemporary novelist do this, it is a tricky method to achieve. If you insist on attempting this, what you should think about is dedicating entire book chapters to various characters and alternating them, as was done in The Other Side of Midnight by Sidney Sheldon

A Setting Familiarity

Be certain you know about your setting or are ready to do broad research so it will ring real. Build up the setting early so your reader can grasp what's going on. A discussion occurring in prison has altogether different overtones from one occurring at a picnic grounds or in bed. 

A Good Description

Great description hoists a book from the pack. The following are two tricks that might assist you with making all the more remarkable description. In case you're discussing a place or a thing, think about giving it human qualities. 

As Dick Perry says in One Way to Write Your Novel:

The hotel room had lost its youth. Its floors creaked with middle age. It had not bathed in years.

Conversely, in case you are describing people, give them the attributes normally reserved for houses, roads, or things.

Perry gives these examples:

She was, to children, a haunted house they dare not visit.


Everyone else was an expressway, racing somewhere, full of purpose; she was a street labeled dead end.

An Appealing Sense

Appeal to the senses to additionally energize your reader. Let the fragrance of paint, tar, freshly brewed espresso, or jasmine carry reality to your story. Permit the reader to hear grasshoppers trilling, a trumpeter rehearsing, the crunch of dried leaves. Offer a sample of the fragile flavor of veal Oscar or soggy french fries cooked in old oil. Sit in a seat that is coarse and scratchy, or luxurious and delicate. By speaking to the senses, you give your story mood, texture, and shading.

Helping Hands

In this self-publishing journey you should increase your area of influence which has similar interest or make new friends which could help you to achieve your goal or provide help to get a title of "a Best Selling Author". We are helping folks to format their manuscript, uploading on Amazon and expertly designed book covers, we have skilled individuals to take care of technical aspects in self-publishing industry on the web for you. Visit our website to know what we do.

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