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What is Mind Mapping and How Writers Use it in their Book Writing Process | Formats | Software and Tools

What is Mind Mapping  and How Writers Use it in their Book Writing Process | Formats | Software and Tools

What is Mind Mapping?

Mind mapping is an effective way of linking your central concepts using lines, shapes, images and links. It was developed as an effective method for generating ideas. And it is used to help to structural info to gain a better understandings. It enhances the creative problem solving, and highlights the important facts. 

Photo by Startup Stock Photos from Pexels
Photo by Startup Stock Photos from Pexels

Here we are discussing that how writers use it in their book writing process, how mind map helps them for their fiction or non-fiction creations, some formats of mind maps, and some software and tools (free or paid) are available, to their new book creation.

Mind Map Formats

Knowledge/Reference Mind Map

Some mind maps are made fully intent on investigating a point or coordinating a explicit gathering of data. Reference or information mind maps is to have the option to return to them later for data. Basically these mind maps are made to be utilized for future reference. Once made, these types of brain guides can be utilized by various people for some years. They can be made to cover specific themes, oversee records, arrange assets and work with learning.

Brainstorming Mind Map

At the point when a gathering is cooperating to take care of an issue, answer a question or plan for various situations a mind map is an incredible tool for distinguishing those thoughts. A mind guide can be drawn during the meeting to generate new ideas and go about as a living reference while the gathering works. Since mind maps are made to be improved or changed freely, it tends to be a significant instrument to move innovative reasoning. One of the most significant advantages of conceptualizing is the inventive energy that is empowered from the members. A mind map is exceptionally viable at working with that innovativeness while staying coordinated.

Project/Planning Mind Map

In case you're arranging an occasion or exceptional trip, a brain guide can be extremely useful in attempting to cover every one of the various subtleties that should be thought of and fleshed out. The guide would have the undertaking at the middle and the various regions would tackle various pieces of the task. This sort of guide could be utilized on a continuous premise to follow achievements, convey objectives and keep an arranging plan. 

By deciding the type of mind map you will utilize, it can help you utilize it. At the point when you're doing any type of analyze, you must be clear with regards to your motivation while making it. With mind maps, you should initially decide if it will be hand drawn or PC created then whether it's a reference, brainstorming or planning map.

How Writers Use Mind Map in their Book Writing Process?

Some authors are tireless about creating outlines as they plan to write something. This is a good habit to begin however it doesn't generally work for everyone. But, it helps with having some kind of organizational arrangement before you start writing. Mind maps could speak to many more people since they facilitate the innovative flow such that outlines don't. It makes sense that mind maps would work great for books that are very research oriented since they assist with compiling data, information and research but they can work for fiction works too.

writer mind map guidelines

1. Begin the Mind map with your Main Idea for the Book

Focus on the overall objective of the book to allow space for things to change as you start to plan. Try not to fix things so specific that your mind map turns into a planning trap.

2. Make Segments to Reflect the Main Elements of Your Book

For instance, in the event that your piece of writing will be very character driven, your first group of segments would be based on the characters. If your piece of writing needs to cover particular topics then those segments would be those topics.

3. Extend the segments dependent on how you consider each to be creating as the book is written

This is the place where you can plan for how you imagine the book advancing or feature different aspects of the topics you need to ensure you cover. This isn't settled forever yet gives an incredible framework to keep you on target to address all that you want in the book.

4. Let's Begin to Write Your Book

Utilizing a mind map to compose can make writing considerably more organized such that helps with topping the creative strategy. Shockingly, outlines can now and again feel like more work which is the reason many newbie writers don't use them. My objective isn't to deter you from using outlines but to show you another way. If you want to keep on using outlines, kindly do as such. But, assuming you need to have a go at something different, mind maps can be something to add to your writing armory. By using a planning process that gets those creative energies pumping while at the same time organizing your thoughts, you will definitely have an improved creative cycle. 

Know about fiction novel writing, click here.

Mind Map Software & Tools


Scapple is a mind mapping tool, specially designed for authors and writers, they use it for their manuscript, scene development, characters plotting and make a proper mind map before writing a new book. It has free one month trial, full version and educational licenses. Know More

Free Mind

Free Mind is an open source program, free mind mapping tool that can simply be downloaded and used. Download Now


It is an online cloud based software, has monthly subscription based plans. It's partially free online software, sign up or sign in and create your beautiful mind maps. Explore It Yourself


iMindMap (Now Ayoa) is also a good tool for mind mapping. It has feature to create your maps in 3D. You can avail their free trial for limited period of time. Learn More


Xmind is another mind mapping tool. It has it's pro features at a lower cost. Xmind has plans for half yearly and annual payment methods. Know More

Helping Hands

In this self-publishing journey you should increase your area of influence which has similar interest or make new friends which could help you to achieve your goal or provide help to get a title of "a Best Selling Author". We are helping folks to format their manuscript, uploading on Amazon and expertly designed book covers, we have skilled individuals to take care of technical aspects in self-publishing industry on the web for you. Visit our website to know what we do.

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